Shortwave Diathermy Therapy
Shortwave Diathermy (SWD) is a therapeutic technique that utilizes high-frequency electromagnetic waves to generate deep heat within the body’s tissues. This form of deep heat therapy is particularly effective in improving blood circulation, relaxing muscles, and alleviating pain. At Spire Hospital, Dr. Gaurav Pawar integrates SWD into treatment plans for managing conditions such as arthritis, muscle spasms, and chronic pain.
Do’s and Don’ts: Shortwave Diathermy
- Consult a Healthcare Professional: Always seek advice from Dr. Gaurav Pawar or another qualified healthcare provider before beginning SWD to confirm its appropriateness for your condition.
- Follow the Treatment Plan: Adhere to the prescribed treatment schedule, as SWD typically requires multiple sessions for optimal results.
- Communicate Discomfort: Inform your therapist about any discomfort or unusual sensations during treatment so they can make necessary adjustments.
- Avoid Sensitive Areas: Do not apply SWD over the eyes, skull, chest (especially near the heart), abdomen (particularly reproductive organs), or any areas with impaired sensation or open wounds.
- Avoid Metal Implants: Do not use SWD over metal implants or areas containing metal objects, as this can interfere with the electromagnetic waves and cause discomfort.
- Pregnancy Precautions: Pregnant individuals should avoid SWD, especially around the abdomen and pelvic region, due to potential risks associated with fetal development.
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Survey No 588, B4, 1st Floor, Ganesh Market, Jawaharlal Nehru Road, Aai Mata Mandir Chowk, Opp Market Yard Bus Depot, Bibevewadi, Pune : 411037
9175983868 / 8600159688